Special Issue: Paleobiology and Philosophy

Back in August 2017, a bunch of philosophers gathered for a few days in Dinosaur Provincial Park to read some papers and look at fossils. Those papers are now collected in a special issue Paleobiology and Philosophy, now forthcoming in Biology and Philosophy! We’ve collected the preprints here for your reading pleasure.

Paleobiology and Philosophy (editor’s introduction), by Adrian Currie.

Ancient Genetics to Ancient Genomics: Celebrity and Credibility in Data-Driven Practice, by Elizabeth Jones.

Contingency’s Causality and Structural Diversity, by Alison McConwell.

Crossed Tracks: Mesolimulus, Archaeopteryx, and the Nature of Fossils, by Leonard Finkelman

Evidential Reasoning in the Historical Sciences: Applying Toulmin Schemas to the case of Archezoa, by Thomas Bonnin

In Defense of Living Fossils, by Derek Turner.

Let Me Tell You ‘Bout the Birds and the Bee-Mimicking Flies and Bambiraptor, by Joyce Havstad.

Mass Extinctions as Major Transitions, by Adrian Currie.

Overcoming the Underdetermination of Specimens, by Caitlin Wylie.

Joyce Havstad captures the crew at the Philosophy of Paleontology in the Badlands meeting at Dinosaur Provincial Par

Joyce Havstad captures the crew at the Philosophy of Paleontology in the Badlands meeting at Dinosaur Provincial Par