A Canadian Lagerstaette that's not the Burgess Shale

Scientists writing in the latest issue of Geology report on a newly identified Lagerstaette in Alberta, Canada, not far from Banff. The Ya Ha Tinda site records a marine ecosystem from the early Jurassic, around 183 million years ago. Here is a short description of the findings. But check out the original paper (the first link above) for nice images of the fossils.

Cambrian hyoliths

A new paper argues that hyoliths--"tentacled ice cream cones with lids"--are lophophorates. Here is a report on the work in The New York Times.

The Bears Ears, and what it means for paleontology

At the end of December, 2016, President Obama established the new Bears Ears National Monument, in Utah. Much of the discussion of the new national monument has focused on environmental protection and the preservation of archeological sites, But the region also has paleontological importance. Here is one interesting discussion by a researcher who works in the region.

An Unusual Developmental Trajectory

It seems that one type of dinosaur actually lost its teeth as it matured, a finding which may support the more general suggestion that dinosaurs played different ecological roles at different developmental stages. Here's the news item. And here is the original paper from Current Biology.

Prehistoric Soundscapes

Alex Riley writes here about efforts to reconstruct the sounds made by prehistoric insects, hadrosaurs, and even Neanderthals.

Call For Guest Bloggers!

Interested in writing at Extinct? Today's your lucky day!

For guidance and inspiration, here's Darwin with a lightsaber riding a T. rex. Illustration by Maris Wicks.

For guidance and inspiration, here's Darwin with a lightsaber riding a T. rex. Illustration by Maris Wicks.

In the last year, Extinct has hosted a diverse and fascinating range of monthly guest posts (you can find them here). This will continue through 2017, so if you're interested in taking part, you should get in contact. Guest posts are standardly between 1,000 to 2,000 words (although longer peices might be considered), and we're very open to a range of styles, interests, levels of seriousness, and so forth. Extinct's regular contributors are always happy to help with writing and editorial advice. Blogging is a fun way of testing out ideas, and getting them into the public sphere. What's more, our mysterious artist will provide every guest blogger with a caricature featuring an extinct critter of their choice!

If you want to propose a guest post, or have any questions, get in contact. Adrian's handling the guest schedule, so best to email him on ac2075[at symbol]cam.ac.uk.

Onwards, Tyranosaur!







Fossilized dinosaur brain tissue found

The Geological Society of London has released a Special Publication announcing the discovery of fossilized brain tissue in an ornithischian dinosaur. It is unclear whether or not this tissue served as the seat of the dinosaur's soul, but we're sure that a Descartes scholar is bound to look into the issue soon.

Source: Yahoo! News